Tuesday, October 31, 2006

It is another day with another chance to start anew .(hahahahahaha) Any way why do husbands tend to ignore the obvious. Then when it gets to real the make it your job. Anyone who has or knows of an autistic child knows just how hard it can be to be a parent to one. This always falls on to my plate. Now don't get me wrong it isn't just my oldest kid this happens with it is all three. I but hubby couldn't even tell you thier teachers name let alone what they are allergic too. But he isn't all bad when it the good times he steps right up and in the bad times steps away leaving it to me wether i am ready or not. But I am glad that tide is now turning due to the fact kids grow up. Now that my son is taller then me already at tweleve (and a 145 pounds to boot) my hubby has been force to take part in those bad times. We will see how it goes.......

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