Monday, September 03, 2007

gee look i missed august.......

OK OK so i slack off again. i have been a very busy mommy.August was the beginning of the official football and cheerleading season. Did I say cheerleading? Yep! I am a first year cheerleading mommy. My daughter wanted to be a cheerleader and by george she is. Lucky! I am also a second year football mommy as well. So our Saturdays are spent at the football field. My daughter cheers for the 9 year old football team and my son plays for the 11-12 year old team. So a mom who never really liked football now watches 3 games every Saturday. Needless to say I am learning a lot about football. There are those Saturdays when I have to work the concession stand between the two games. That is always lots of fun. Oh both of these 2 kids of mine are also involve with scouts.
Now my oldest, the autistic one, had a psy appointment. Well on his blood work his insulin came back on the high side for a second time. So now we are on limit sugar intake watch. Like this kid needed more problems. So now we have to fight, oops meant supervise what he can eat vs what he is use to eating.
My daughter, you know the cheerleader, as started her second round of testing for glaucoma which won't be finish till November sometime.
Oh and school started august 23rd. I now have 2 in middle school and only one in the immediate school.
Well this is just a rough overview of August hopefully I will be back to post soon.


Krissteen said...

Hey Sam, Chris here, aka the pogoer formally known as OhhMakeMeMoan_, and current pogoer known as GoAskKrissteen... Anyway, GF I so want to read this post but the colors are difficult to read and the font is cutting off.

You might want to reduce your font size just a wee little bit and change the color of the font to something easier to read... just a thought.

Hope things are well, take car.

Kim said...

Hi Sam! I didn't know you started a blog! I suck.

Sorry to read about your struggle with autism. We're active in the autism community and know the suffering your poor child experiences, as well as the pain your whole family deals with... We also know the joy.

I' so glad you decided to start writing your thoughts!

I'll be back again. Kisses!

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